
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Valentine's Day... I pretty much Love ALL Holidays

Okay so Valentine's day this year was quite amazing. Unfortunately i Had to work the day. But no big deal. I got out of the hospital by about 7:30 and hauled booty home. When i got there my bag was packed and i was being whisked off (of course after I took a hot shower to wash hospital grime off of me :P) to an unknown destination. It was really sweet and romantic. 

 This was corey's lobster dinner at the Garlic. It was HUGE! I had duck which just feel off the bone.

We actually went to a very familiar but my favorite places. His families condo on New smyrna beach and for dinner we ate at The Garlic. Oh how i love their food. cant they just open one in orlando, pretty please! I was spoiled this year :) I received beautiful roses delivered to the house while i was cleaning one day, a Micheal kors wallet to match my purse, and enough ghiradelli chocolate to make any ovaries retreat. 

 My Beautiful roses

AHHH!!! My Wallet :) Love it so much

Of course my gift to him I thought was pretty fantastic. In my crafty way i made him a cute picture frame gift the i got from (if you havent check out their site...AMAZING). and a trip to savannah for st patrick's day.
 He's not excited at all :)

My car trip map i created to tell him

Probably my favorite part was making aiden's valentine's box for his classroom. he was so excited. his new favortie thing is despicable me and minions, so we made this box together. 

The invitations go in his mouth. lol he wanted to sleep with it but i said no way. All the kids got a kick out of it and we received an email from his teacher thanking us for the great laughs they got from it :)
I hope your valentine's day was equally fantastic and full of love.